Already been in a packraft and looking for something a little more exciting? Come raft the Upper Roaring Fork with us. This is Aspen’s most popular whitewater stretch of river. The classic ten mile run from Jaffee Park to Wingo will take about 3 hours of river time. There are a number of Class III rapids on this stretch that we will run, as well as scenic stretches of river without any rapids.
We will occasionally be offering a guided trip down the Toothache section of the Roaring Fork River. If you have had some experience with whitewater before or are in good athletic ability, this trip might be an awesome outing! We will do an extended safety briefing before we set out, including self-rescue practice. If you are interested in organizing a trip down Toothache, reach out to us!
We will provide transportation to/from your place of accomodation in the Aspen/Snowmass area, as well as supply the packrafts, paddles, and safety equipment. Pickup from your hotel between 9-10am and expect to return around 3pm. Lunch will be provided!
You should bring: swimwear, a couple snacks, old sneakers / river shoes, and a good attitude! Please let us know your size for a wetsuit and splash top.